
Solar Square Design Challenge kicks off

Solar Square, what if your city generates its own energy? Imagine the square where you meet your friends, skate, talk and enjoy the sun, can actually power its own lighting or fountain or even your mobile phone?

At the High Tech meets Design, last May at Strijp-S in Eindhoven, Niels van Loon of Solliance pitched the idea for a Solar Square to several interested designers. This idea is getting follow up from the municipal of Eindhoven and is supported by Dutch Design Foundation. Municipal of Eindhoven is adopting the idea to implement the design in the Emmasingel Kwadrant, or somewhere in the to be developed ‘Spoorzone’.

Together with the Dutch Design Foundation, Solliance is now preparing a Design Challenge and are planning a briefing for selected designers and studios for July 7 2017.


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